
yeah thats me

Friday, May 28, 2010

3 movies.

If you ever get really bored and decide you want to hang out with a friend by going to a movie here are some things to consider.

Never let your friend who is high choose the movie, never let your friends drag you into a gore fest of a movie, if you are going to watch a movie try D-Box!

Iron Man 2: this movie was incredibly terrible I could not have wished for any type of torture far worse than Iron Man 2. I hated Robert Downey's portrayal of Tony Starks (I didn't watch the first one so this was my first encounter with Robert Downey as Tony Starks), he made Tony Starks this wild party animal just a "bro" which was incredibly ridiculous.

Human Centipede: Regardless of what I tell you watch it but I didn't have high hopes for this movie, just as bizarre as the movie is I couldn't help but look away not cause of the gore just everything was terrible about it. The acting, storyline, just the concept was too far fetched even for a "gore film". I've seen troma films that have more worth than this movie did.

Prince of Persia: The movie was kinda decent though I didn't even pay attention to most of the movie, but if you have D-Box in your theaters which I highly doubt its worth the watch. Also set your D-Box settings to HIGH on the seat.

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