
yeah thats me

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

NOTES OF SELF: Rock bottom?

TL;DR : fucked up but still have a positive outlook on life.

Yesterday there was an unfortunate series of events that somehow turned out okay in the end but I feel someone else in my position would have had a nervous breakdown or done something drastic. I don't know how I handle stress like this so well. Anyways lets get into it shall we? I went to bed Monday night with out sleeping for more than two hour intervals cause I'd fall asleep only to be awoken by this damn cough. Then Tuesday morning around 6 in the morning I tell my moms to give me the strongest meds she has in her disposal, apparently it was enough to make me feel woozy as hell. I knocked out the whole morning then was woken up by Livier calling asking if we can post pone the drive till later I was like sure why not I'm hopped up all on meds. So I shower get ready about 3pm and Derrick shows up, meanwhile my sister is getting her hair straightened. So we end up leaving the C13 in a hurry that I got pulled over and got my license revoked. I don't think I care really, so we stop by guitar center to get some strings, then I hit up Livier and she's getting ready. We decide to go get some Vietnamese sandwiches eat up then pick up livier and head to LA. (derricks driving this whole time). We stop at a wendy's, the people eat and finally get to the Echoplex. We get there and we catch some of Indian Jewelery who were pretty cool, then Best Coast is about to start and I check my GMAIL, apparently I have been disqualified from summer school which really shattered me cause if I don't have a class I don't get paid but apparently I can call and hopefully figure something out with the counselors. Whatever back to the story went outside chit chatted with Livier about how she morphed into a "girl" it was kinda funny. Went back inside and I told her "Hey, your a girl lets go to the front for Health (band)" we went up to the front and I was actually amazed how she handled the onslaught of being crushed but then again I Kinda pushed everyone back a bit while she was busy taking a bazillion pictures of herself. Then we drove back dropped off Livier in SD. Then Derrick and I stopped at Golden Acorn Casino gambled 20 bones I won 14 but i played till i lost it all haha yeah. Still got this damn cough. And I gotta call unemployment offices tomorrow.
this kinda made me laugh its really ridiculous like my life.

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